M O R E X O X O X !!!

It is nice to hear compliments from other people. Their words make you feel pretty or strong or smart. So, why don't you make yourself feel those nice feelings by complimenting YOU more often. Praise yourself for a job well done or for being so good-hearted because ultimately your own opinion about yourself is what matters the most.
"Success is loving yourself, loving what you do, and loving how you do it." ~Maya Angelou
Let's Dive Into 121 Of The Absolute BEST
Self-Love Affirmations That Everyone Should Be Using!
...And if a line does not apply right now and you want it to, speak it into existence!
1. I am one-of-a-kind and unique.
2. I feel incredible to be alive.
3. I kick ass at overcoming challenges; they bring out the resilience and strength in me.
4. I choose to be happy in my life.
5. I choose to protect my mental health by surrounding myself with positive energy.
6. I love my life.
7. I love my humor.
8. I appreciate everything I have in my life.
9. I am attractive and desirable.
10. I am courageous.
11. I am willing to act in spite of fear.
12. I choose to effectively communicate my love.
13. I choose to not allow past traumas to negatively impact my present and future.
14. I am positive and optimistic.
15. I am independent and do not need to rely on others for my own happiness.
16. Opportunities exist for me in every aspect of my life and I have the power to seize them.
17. I believe things will always work out for the best.
18. I am at peace knowing that everything happens for a reason.
19. It is easy to make friends. I attract positive and kind people into my life.
20. I create uplifting and supportive relationships.
21. I believe in myself.
22. I am powerful.
23. I choose to invest in myself and my future.
24. I create the life I want.
25. I am beautiful just the way I am.
26. I have the power to change what I don't like about myself.
27. I accept and love myself.
28. I am confident.
29. I trust myself.
30. I am honest and fair with myself and others.
31. I am successful right now.
32. I am loved and cherished.
33. I choose not to compare myself to others because I am my own person.
34. I acknowledge that my journey is unique and not identical to anyone else's.
35. I am kind and generous.
36. I am helpful, trustworthy, and reliable.
37. I am calm and peaceful.
38. I am optimistic and light-hearted.
39. I am a divine spirit of God.
40. There are no such things as problems, only opportunities to grow.
41. I choose to set healthy boundaries with people.
42. I am so good at what I do.
43. I always find a way to make great things happen.
44. I am talented and passionate.
45. I live with compassion and empathy.
46. I am focused and persistent.
47. I will never quit.
48. I deserve the best.
49. I choose to not force situations that do not serve me.
50. I choose to go with the flow.
51. I choose to share my wisdom with others.
52. I treat everyone with respect.
53. I inhale confidence and exhale fear and insecurity.
54. I am flexible and open to change in every aspect of my life.
55. I adapt to change quickly.
56. I have integrity and humility.
57. I am fun to be around.
58. I am committed to my self-evolution.
59. I do what I say I am going to do.
60. I am competent, smart and able.
61. I am a bad-ass.
62. I take no bull from anyone and demand respect from everyone.
63. I recognize the many good qualities I have.
64. I see the best in other people.
65. I choose to surround myself with people who bring out the best in me.
66. I let go of negative thoughts and feelings about myself.
67. I let go of negative people and situations without any regret.
68. I can choose happiness whenever I wish no matter what my circumstances are.
69. I love who I have become.
70. I love my silliness and quirks.
71. I am patient.
72. I love my {insert body part or physical characteristic}.
73. I love that I get things done.
74. I love that I am not selfish and make time to care for myself and others.
75. I am always growing and developing into an amazing person.
76. My opinions resonate with who I am.
77. I am congruent in all that I say and do.
78. I can make my own choices and decisions regarding me and what belongs to me.
79. I am free to choose to live as I wish.
80. I choose to give priority to my needs and desires and still respect others.
81. I act with confidence, having a general plan, and I accept plans are open to alteration.
82. It is enough to have done my best.
83. I choose to not attempt to control others.
84. I am in control of myself, my own thoughts and actions.
85. I accept that all situations are not in my control.
86. I love that when necessary I can simply let go, and let God.
87. I deserve to be loved the way I want and need.
88. I have high self esteem.
89. I am lovely.
90. I cherish my mind, body, and spirit.
91. I am a great person.
92. I respect myself deeply.
93. I am generous and kind to those less fortunate than me.
94. My thoughts and opinions are valuable.
95. I have a lot to offer.
96. I am selective with who I let experience my mind, body, and spirit.
97. I am confident I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to.
98. I have something special to offer the world.
99. I am easy to get along with.
100. I can forgive and understand others and their motives
101. I am a wonderful human being.
102. I feel great about myself and my life.
103. I am worthy.
104. I believe in myself and my capabilities.
105. I deserve to feel good about myself.
106. I know I can achieve anything.
107. I am open-minded and am willing to listen to others' point of view.
108. Having respect for myself helps others to like and respect me.
109. Feeling good about myself is important for me.
110. I choose to improve myself throughout all of my life and never stop learning.
111. I am naturally gifted and beautiful.
112. I am blessed.
113. I choose to make personal health and hygiene a priority.
114. I choose to speak my mind with confidence.
115. I choose to work hard.
116. Each day I notice I am more self disciplined.
117. I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and experience I have obtained so far.
118. I choose to not feel embarrassed after messing up nor be deterred from trying again.
119. It is okay to make mistakes; I am smarter and wiser now because of them.
120. I always follow through on my promises.
121. I treat others the way I want to be treated.
"I RUN ME. I am in control of myself. I am the captain of my thoughts and my actions. No one else has power over my ability to be happy. I take ownership of my failures and my triumphs. I choose to live in light, fearlessly, and to commit to self-love and self-respect because this is how I will be able to successfully love others and reign in life." ~Courtney Camille